What Do We Do With Utterly Corrupt Government Agencies?
As I write this post in late August, rumors swirl of upcoming false flag terrorism to intentionally disrupt the November elections... The kind of events that lead into wars.... Other rumors suggest that "Q" is the 17th letter of the alphabet at 9/11/2018 is the 17th anniversary of the September 11 attacks and that mysterious clues in anonymous posts from "Q Anon" suggest something will happen that day... Yet other rumors talk about thousands of the sealed indictments and presidential orders coming into play suddenly that would put hundreds, if not thousands, of corrupt officials - elected and appointed - behind bars.

Many aspects of American society and government have such systemic corruption that they should be eliminated and reestablished. The CIA, FBI, DOJ, and NSA appear to be extremely biased and politically motivated tools of the likes of Obama, Clinton, and Democrats in general. Trust in government has been falling for a reason. Power corrupts, and those in power are less and less trustworthy over time!

This is not limited to America's government or even to America.
On the morning of Feb. 28, police stormed offices of Austria’s main domestic intelligence agency and carted off some of the nation’s most sensitive secrets in open crates and plastic bags. Top spy service officials working from home that day were greeted by officers threatening to break down their doors." The people were tired of their spy agency's behavior and they overruled them by force.
In late 2008, Iceland suffered more spectacularly than other nations from the financial crisis. While American institutions were mostly bailed out by government (taxpayers) and only Lehman Brothers was allowed to fail for its excessive speculation... Iceland allowed its big three biggest banks to go bankrupt. Instead of making taxpayers ante up to save the bankers from their far too risky investment speculation, they started arresting top bankers like no other nation dared to do.
As the Financial Times noted: "Larus Welding, former chief executive of Glitnir, was found guilty of fraud.... sentenced to five years in jail for breach of trust in December 2015, and in a separate case last month to one year in jail.... This was followed by two more chief executives Hreidar Mar Sigurdsson of Kaupthing and Sigurjon Arnason of Landsbanki, who were each handed two separate convictions and jail terms."
In America, rumors of tens of thousands of sealed indictments circulate like conspiracy theories... Is Trump going to prosecute the corrupt heads of various agencies? Corrupt Congressmen and Senators? I bet there could be a lot of secret meetings where individuals are shown evidence of crimes they have committed while in office, and conversations about how things will be for the rest of their lives if they don't cooperate completely. "We can file these charges and you'll be a known traitor lucky to live out your natural life in jail... or you can change how you handle business and do exactly what we say instead." That's how some would handle it. Why Not? Many officials have been serving themselves, instead of "We the People." Maybe they should be in Guantanamo Bay instead of mansions funded by abusing their positions of power.