What If? Atlantis Found Via Great Pyramid & Sphinx - Video
Ancient Egyptian texts suggest a land of death across the water to the west, where the sun set. Ignatius Donnelly wrote about Atlantis and described a widespread ancient tradition describing an island homeland of the gods in the west, submerged under the ocean, where its cities and mountains and rivers were now flooded and sunken and many millions of dead had once lived in a mighty empire. If 99% of the world were killed in a cataclysm today, would future people talk about the civilization of America, Russia, China, Britain, etc. - or would we collectively be referred to as "the dead"? Is ancient Egypt's "Book of the Dead" about corpses and the afterlife, or is it also about a once great but long "dead" civilization that came before them?
Was Atlantis the world's dominant power before the last pole shift destroyed it? There are many discoveries that received global attention at first only to fall by the wayside (or be suppressed on purpose) like the possible sunken city off the western tip of Cuba. Below is the first grainy sonar image of likely structures from 2001:
And below is a more famous computer-enhanced image:
The site is about 2000 feet below sea level. It once had National Geographic's attention - but no press coverage in about 15 years now... Lack of interest because it isn't impressive - or was there government pressure to stop looking into it? Clear evidence of a pre-historic advanced civilization or a periodic cycle of earth changes (with evidence pointing to the next pole shift in the first half of the 21st century) would cause panic and a global awakening and a general questioning of what the elite are doing about it - because most of us aren't going to survive such an event...
For those who may not know, the Georgia Guidestones mysteriously appeared in 1979, when an unidentified man using the pseudonym R. C. Christian hired Elberton Granite Finishing Company to build a strange set of enormous granite monuments near Atlanta.  with inscriptions in many languages as if giving instructions to future survivors of the end of our civilization. The "ten commandments" or suggestions to humanity (which only apply after an apocalypse – as suggestion one is to maintain humanity’s population below 500 million) are carved into granite as warnings in English, Spanish, Swahili, Sanskrit , Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian. The first "commandment" on the structure is: "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature." Our global population of about 7.7 billion would have to fall about 95% for this to be a relevant concern. Putting these warnings in many languages on a mountaintop (coincidentally, at a spot that will be on the new equator if I am right about the coming pole shift) we have to ask what the builders are expecting to happen?
This would be like the ancient tradition of placing monuments on the equator - at least, on a previous equator one or more pole shifts back... It is really a coincidence that Giza, Mohenjo Daro, Angkor Wat, Easter Island, Nazca, the Richat Structure, and many other ancient sites are all on one circle around the world, with some directly opposite each other?
Are there enough clues in the Sphinx and Great Pyramid to point us west to look for such an ancient site? Youtube's "cfapps" takes a leap of faith and asks "What if?" and also suggests that an island 51 degrees west of Giza might be suggested by the unique slope angle of the pyramids too...
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahP-AO7_m8M&w=654&h=368]