I just found this video giving a unique perspective on South American pole shift evidence. Especially if you aren’t familiar with the ruins of Tiahuanaco near the edge of Lake Titicaca and how the area uplifted at least two miles since the city was built, watch:
And of course, read Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced
Here's a comment for you.
Per Isaiah 34:4, consider the day when The Earth reorients itself, gradually accelerating until the celestial sphere can be seen to be moving with the naked eye (@ a quarter of a degree per second), after which, the consequently exchanged poles abruptly stop (causing 30° crustal displacement and mega-tsunami).
At that rate of rotation (60 times the normal quarter of a degree per minute), due to centrifugal force, the crust will be greatly lightened (for a couple of minutes say) thereby greatly facilitating the 30° of crustal displacement.
I've only recently realised this. It's not just the crust's inertia upon the abrupt completion of polar exchange, but also its uplift.