Will Jesus Return After "Two Days" - In Early 21st Century?
On the assumption the Bible prophecy is relevant and should be analyzed - Nelson Walters makes an excellent scriptural case for Christ's return and setting the season, though not an exact date, for the near future. 2 Peter 3:8 tells us a day is as a thousand years and many other verses refer to a resurrection, rapture, or Second Coming or Day of the Lord after "two days." So if the crucifixion was probably April 3, 33 A.D. then APPROXIMATELY 2033 could be the season of Christ's return.
I think some clues point to December 2019, as noted in my books. Other clues indicate a range of years. The fig tree generation that saw Israel reborn in 1948 should see all things come to an end - possibly by 2028, if a generation is no more than 80 years. There is no way to know that any one date will absolutely be the crucial day. Meanwhile, some of us enjoy trying to make sense of prophecy. and timing.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-q0qoPv390&w=853&h=480]