29,000-year old Venus of Dolní Věstonice statue reveals some of its secrets

Front profile of the statuette. Credit: Petr Novák, Wikipedia
"Last year in August, the archaeological world welcomed the scanning of the Venus of Dolní Věstonice, the 29,000-year old ceramic statuette of a woman that was originally discovered in 1925 at the Paleolithic site south of Brno, in the Czech Republic. And now historians have been able to unravel some of the hidden features of the oldest known ceramic artifact, with the aid of a 3D microscope (possessed by Brno’s FEI Technological Institute) for the detailed scanning process." Read more at the RealmofHistory article HERE
I'm just impressed that there are fired clay statues 29,000 years old. History goes back way farther than we were taught in school - at least tens of thousands of years farther back.