
RIP JM original gangster whistleblower, life snuffed out by the Deep State .... and

Fairy Tail Myth Buster & Author who's ( faulty ? ) translations of the Language of the Birds

Helped put Gobekli Tepe, Great Pyramid, Baalbek & Old / New Testaments into perspective.

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One Wonders if we’ll Have Decades

I’m sure a plan is well afoot to Reshape Gods Plan for Redemption

Into Something more Palatable for mere Hu-mans 9.11


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I think there may be a slow release going on. Perception management will be needed in the decades to come as it will be obvious new variables are present even to the general public.

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Not quite on Topic, Forgive if to Far out in Left Field, ( Butt ) ; )

Not AJ for Press Sec, CO would make for an Credible, Entertaining/No Holds Barred

Press Conference, the Fake News/CIA Assets under Cover would have to send in their Goliath to do Battle

Considering that "this" Government puts People Down for Speaking when They Should Remain Silent, Courage under Fire.

Unless its now allowed, that the Slow Drip, Drip, Driiiiiiip of useful Information..... weans itself into the Consciousness of those that don't even know what their looking at or listing to ?

Thanks to Penn, and all the swing states who saw through the Fog and sought some Afternoon SunShine.

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They always say Gobekli Tepe was buried on purpose. I've never agreed that people would make that great effort to build stone monuments to emphasize a message, then bury it to hide their message.

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Seems Logical, to preserve knowledge for 12,000 yrs ( + ) or ( - )

unveiled, with knowledge gained, ( for Institutional Academics ) and as Quickly covered to preserve for the a New Earth & Heaven's Hu-mans.

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