When Elon Musk suggests that the real cause of what are colloquially called “ice ages” are a really deep rabbit hole to look into, I’m not surprised. He’s a smart guy and it’s no surprise that he understands the cycle of pole shift catastrophes. When Joe Rogan talks about them after being educated by various guests like Jimmy Corsetti, Graham Hancock, or Randall Carlson, I’m not surprised.
But for some reason when the great economist Martin Armstrong comments on pole shifts, I’m pleasantly surprised that someone in his field of expertise is aware. Then again, he gathers and analyzes lots of information. People who do will reveal the truth. Armstrong has, and I made a collage from some of his comments on pole shifts (as recently as January 16, 2025) spanning back almost a decade:
Most people are afraid to mention the truth about pole shifts but Armstrong has already been imprisoned for years (on what I think were very questionable charges.) I wish more people would step forward as whistleblowers but I also understand why they don’t.
I think of the scene in the 2012 movie when the Louvre director announces the artwork isn’t being removed to the Alps but he discovered the truth and will hold a press conference the next day, then he blows up in his car. Which reminds me of how Charles Hapgood - the father of modern pole shift theory - died in an unsolved hit and run shortly after announcing he was about to reveal new information about ancient civilization in the Americas and Antarctica going back over 20,000 years. “Albert Einstein wrote an approving forward to Hapgood’s seminal work, “The Earth’s Shifting Crust.” …He left teaching and continued his research independently, eventually moving to Greenfield, Mass. In 1982, at age 79, he was hit by a car…”
I think I told you what initially led me to this path, which is essentially in agreement with you. If not I will share here for anyone else who may find it interesting. ( I will be very short)
I was evaluating human cognition and behavioral modernity, including concepts like Chomsky- language acquisition device ( LAD) and natural law.
Keeping the nugget that Musk mentioned about writing , and the coincidental simultaneous rise of it in numerous places after the last ice age..
What is the probability that humans after eons of evolving neural architecture developed writing in separate non connected places at relatively the same time?
After my research not only did I find this to be highly unlikely, but I can to the understanding that humans most likely have had the ability to write for hundreds of thousands of years. This is based upon the mechanisms that give is the ability to even perform such a complicated tasks. Naturally, one explanation is that writing had not become formalized and was not antifragile.. which I do indeed suspect is part of the equation..
There is so much more , Musk is right there are many rabbit holes.
Since then I filtered through many things and it is clear that the space ... well... it is a narrative battleground. I have said this elsewhere, but this whole topic has more red flags than the JFK narrative.
I don't know what it all means, obviously i have speculations.. but global civilization didn't begin 6k years ago and whatever caused this interruption of the human historical timeline seems very much to be coming again in the near time horizon.
David, do you think they are going to use Musk to tell us something or is this just more noise in the aether?
As we have discussed, at this point it is probably better they don't in mass I think. ( Which is an odd change of sentiment for me)